Caregiver burnout happens when you're feeling worn out from managing care for another person. It's normal to feel overwhelmed, especially when you're looking after a loved one with a chronic illness. That stress can have a considerable impact on your health and well-being.
Some caregivers hesitate to talk about the strain they're under. They may fear they'll look like they can't handle things or that they'll make their loved one feel guilty. But talking about burnout is an important part of protecting yourself against it.
This article will discuss why caregiver burnout happens and how to manage and prevent it.
What Is Caregiver Burnout?
Caregiving burnout occurs when a caregiver becomes physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. It’s the kind of tiredness you can’t fix with a single good night’s sleep, and it’s often the result of long-term, unchecked stress.
Why Burnout Happens
As a caregiver, you can focus so much on your loved one that you don’t (or can’t) take time to care for yourself. Without healthy food, exercise, or time to recharge, the stress of caregiving starts to chip away at your mental and physical health.
According to a report by the AARP, more than a third of caregivers say caregiving is highly stressful, and one in five say that caregiving has made their own health worse. The proportions are even higher among those caring for close relatives like partners or parents.
You may feel stressed for a number of reasons. You may be unsure of your role or feel like you don't have control over what's happening. You may feel you don't have enough support from friends or relatives and feel like you're taking on too much.
Types of Caregiver Burnout
Burnout looks different in different people, but there are some common signs that many with burnout experience. As a caregiver with burnout, you might feel:
- Extremely tired, even when you sleep well
- Easily flustered or frustrated
- Quick to anger
- Forgetful or foggy
- Uninterested in engaging with people or activities you used to enjoy
- Anxious or depressed
- Hopeless or helpless
At its extreme, burnout can also leave caregivers indifferent or hostile, putting them at risk for hurting themselves or others.
Managing Caregiver Burnout
To help manage your burnout, it's important to discuss your feelings and reach out for support. When you're a caregiver, you may find it tricky to discuss burnout, particularly when talking to the person you're caring for. Remember that what you're feeling is normal and that it's important to address your own needs.
Some tips for talking about caregiver burnout include:
- Be honest: If you’re worried you’re burnt out, be honest about it with yourself and others. The sooner you acknowledge it and ask for support, the sooner you can start to recover.
- Be specific: When you’re talking to someone about your burnout, try to present it in terms of what, specifically, you’re feeling (ex. overwhelmed or exhausted) and what you suspect is the driving force behind it (ex. needing more time to recharge).
- Avoid blame: Even if you think a specific individual is the root of your stress, the reality might be more complex. Try not to point fingers or assign guilt—including (and especially) to yourself. You can do this by framing things in terms of what you feel or need. Avoid bringing up things the person you're talking to might have done in the past to contribute to your burnout. All of that is behind you. Now focus on the future.
- Ask for what you need: Think about what stressful things could be taken off your plate or set aside for a while. Could someone else drive your loved one to healthcare provider’s appointments so you can have a little time to yourself? What about arranging a housekeeping service or a steady rotation of home-cooked meals? If someone asks how they can help, give them some specific ways that they can.
Preventing Caregiving Burnout
Caregiving burnout isn’t inevitable. Getting organized, prioritizing your own health, and asking for help early can all help prevent or mitigate burnout.
Find Ways to Be More Efficient With Routine Tasks
Friends and relatives might be reaching out to you to find out how your loved one is doing. Instead of touching base with each person individually, utilize apps (like CaringBridge), group texts, or social media platforms to send out updates to everyone at once.
Learn to Delegate, Outsource, or Postpone What You Can
You don’t have to do everything yourself. In fact, you shouldn’t. When you write out your to-do list or look at your calendar, think about what tasks you really need to do yourself. Look for things you can let go of, pass on, or hire out.
Asking for support is not a failure, and accepting help doesn’t mean you can’t hack it. This actually isn’t about you at all; it’s about ensuring your loved one is cared for. And you can’t care for them if you’re too busy doing everything else.
Some things you might be able to delegate or outsource include:
- Housekeeping
- Transportation to and from appointments
- Laundry
- Grocery shopping
- Meal prep
- Dishes
- Keeping your loved one company so that you can rest or recharge
- Running errands, like going to the pharmacy or picking up medical supplies
- Yard work or other home maintenance
- Managing other volunteers
And before you worry that coordinating all this help is just another thing you have to do, tools exist to help you stay organized. Apps like Lotsa Helping Hands, for example, let you set up a calendar where people can sign up to bring meals or drive your loved one to appointments.
You may find additional help through adult day programs, meal delivery services, in-home assistance, and visiting nurses. The Alzheimer's Association has a link on its website for local resources.
Join a Support Group
Being a caregiver can feel isolating at times, but you are far from alone. According to an estimate by the AARP, 43.5 million people in the United States said they provided unpaid care for someone else in the previous 12 months. That’s roughly one out of every six adults.
Participating in a caregiver support group can give you an opportunity to talk through some of the challenges you’re experiencing. They give you a place where you can say what you’re feeling to people who’ve probably felt it, too. They also give you a chance to learn from others who are facing similar struggles.
Ask your loved one’s healthcare provider if they can recommend a support group. You can also search online for groups or forums you might be able to access remotely. Sometimes just having a place to vent or talk through problems can help you feel less stressed overall.
Be Disciplined About Self-Care
Taking care of yourself is not an indulgence, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Think of it this way: When you’re on a plane, flight attendants warn that, in the event of an emergency, you should put on your own oxygen mask before helping others because you’re no good to other people passed out.
Your loved one needs you to take care of yourself—so that you can take care of them. Make self-care as much of a priority as your other caregiving duties. Take time to have a healthy meal. Go for a walk or make time for other exercise you enjoy. And don't forget to get enough sleep.
Know the Signs of Burnout—And Get Help Quickly
Familiarize yourself with the signs of burnout, and get help as soon as you spot them. This is especially important if you start to experience symptoms of depression, use excessive amounts of drugs or alcohol, or you're worried you might hurt yourself or your loved one. If that happens, talk to your healthcare provider or see a mental health professional right away.
Remember, protecting yourself from caregiving burnout isn’t just about you. You’ll be a better, more attentive caregiver if you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.
Caregiver burnout occurs when you're feeling exhausted from caring for another person. It can happen when you're managing care for a loved one with a chronic illness. Symptoms include feeling easily frustrated, extremely tired, quick to anger, and feeling forgetful.
You can help manage caregiver burnout by reaching out for support. Talk to others about your feelings and find ways that others can help. Reach out to family and friends, or find resources in the community to help with chores like yard work, housekeeping, cooking, and running errands.
If you start to experience symptoms of depression, talk to your healthcare provider or reach out to a mental health professional.